Me & Sonny: Living Life Legit!

June 16, 2008 at 6:31 pm | Posted in General Hospital | 2 Comments

First of all I must let you all know that I’ve been “notified” that the pictures I’ve been using are copyright infringement and they had to be removed. I feel very bad, I was in no way trying to break the law. I’m no criminal. I’m just a gal with a blog trying to do some good in this crazy world. This must be what Sonny feels like when people accuse him of not being a legitimate coffee exporter. Leave us alone people! We’re just trying to live our lives on the up & up. We’re not criminals!

Ok, now that I’ve got that out of the way, it was another boring day over in the PC. Alexis ordered Carly to talk to Sonny again. Ok, what’s the point of all this again? It just seems cruel of Sonny. I’m no lawyer, but shouldn’t Alexis be able to go to court and simply tell them Sonny signed away his rights to his sons to protect them? Can’t Carly testify on her behalf? Is there a judge in the world who wouldn’t allow it? Is Guza even awake over there?

Carly & Jason shared some sweet scenes, where Jason reminded Carly to stay strong and stick with her decision. I’m still amazed by the amount of common sense that Carly & Jason are showing these days. It’s almost like they should be on a different soap…

Sonny made Spinelli’s charade worse by showing and calling him freaky boy again? I will say this again, why??? Having Sonny talk to Spinelli like that, and call him such a demeaning name just makes him look like a jack ass! Is that really what they’re trying to accomplish over there in the writers room?

Giselle make some snide remarks about the coziness of Jax, Carly, Kate, & Sonny. Alexis shows up and sees Sonny & Carly are getting back together. What? Is there a sign that says “Limo Sex” tattooed on them? 

Maxie goes off on Spinelli for acting weird. Weird? She thinks “Damien” is weird. But Spinelli is not? Whatev.

Spinelli gets drunk and Claudia takes him home where Jason walks in on them.

Hmmm. Mondays.


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